Retail Supernova

A New Star is Born

Retail Supernova

Estimated Read Time: 20 - 25 Minutes

In the blink of an eye, the pandemic unleashed an unprecedented acceleration in the retail world. As we emerged from lockdown, it became evident that the brakes had failed, and the pace of change surged to new heights. The traditional notion of a self-contained physical store was no longer sufficient. The options available to consumers, like a cosmic supernova, exploded into countless fragments, offering a shopping experience that’s more versatile than ever before. From shopping anytime, anywhere, to novel concepts like dark store pickups, touchless checkout, one-hour delivery, local mini shops, pop-ups, and brand trucks–the retail landscape has experienced a seismic transformation.

Wishing to unravel the mysteries of these new shopping preferences, we turned to thousands of consumers spanning the retail universe. Join us in discovering their revelations in the FREE download of “Retail Supernova” below!

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