Transforming Health Delivery

Dynamic forces are paving the way for a consumer-driven health + wellness ecosystem

There is a need for innovation of the consumer/"patient" experience

Increasingly, consumers want healthcare providers to offer an experience much more like retail or restaurants, one that recognizes them as savvy consumers who have choices and power. We see a tremendous opportunity.

Dan Stanek
Executive Vice President, WD Partners

Innovation & Scale

At WD Partners, we're versed in industries that have been consumer-focused for decades, and we are bringing that thinking to health-related experiences.

How WD Can Help You Innovate

Utilizing consumer-centered, design thinking methods, understanding consumer needs and mapping ideal omnichannel experiences, we are able to identify key pain points and moments of potential innovation. Our design experts are able to translate these experiences into an elegant and seamless customer journey, and service workflow.

Innovation & Scale

Many health concepts are ready for rapid expansion to achieve growth goals and leverage first mover advantage in a changing health landscape.

How WD Can Help You Scale

Healthcare providers have historically focused on large one-off programs, not multi-unit programs. WD's experience with large multi-unit businesses provides outstanding expertise in the methods and efficiencies of scaling compelling experiences while maintaining the integrity of the design.

We're going through a once-in-a-lifetime change in healthcare... from the physician and administrator as the boss, to the patient as the boss - Dr. Stephen Klasko

Are you looking to innovate or scale your healthcare experience?

Contact our Health + Wellness practice leaders.


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